On 30 September & 1st October 2013, HPi hosted the 42nd RSG meeting at its HQ in Wallingford, UK. The meeting was attended by 18 representatives of the boating industry and many Notified Bodies, as well as a representative of ADCO, the EEA’s RCR market surveillance committee. Many topics were discussed with the aim of agreeing common technical interpretations for the RCR itself and the supporting standards as well as aligning the procedures followed by the Notified Bodies.
In between the meetings, the committee were taken punting in Oxford. This was not only for recreation! The topic of how to regulate punts, a very peculiar type of boat found only in a small number of towns in England, has come before the committee on several occasions over the years. HPi is pleased to report that nobody fell-in the river.
HPi will be informing its customers, who may be interested in decisions made at this meeting, in due course.