Siilja Symphony
Siilja Symphony – home for the RSG Group for 3 days in February 2013

The RSG (Recreational Craft Sectoral Group) is the forum for Notified Bodies, industry representatives and the EU Commission to share and harmonise questions of technical interpretation of the Recreational Craft Regulations (RCR). The group meets once every 4 months and all Notified Bodies are expected to be regular attendees.  On 4th to 6th February 2013, the group, with Alasdair Reay (CEO of HPi-CEproof) met onboard the Silja Symphony, sailing between Stockholm and Helsinki, hosted by Notified Bodies DNV and VTT from Sweden and Finland respectively.

On the opening day of the meeting, Jan Mayerhoffer, the EU Commission representative, reported that the Commission’s Standing Committee had met in Brussels on 31st January 2013 and pushed forward with the new edition of the Recreational Craft Regulations. This is now expected to be adopted in mid 2013 followed by a 2 year transition/transposition period. The new RCR should then be in force in mid 2015.  The new RCR is not an amendment but a replacement of the current legislation. HPi will post more details once the final draft is ratified.

The group then continued the meeting by discussing the many “Proposals for Enquiry” that had been submitted for consideration and issuing several “Recommendations for Use” for those enquiries thought of sufficient interest or concern to merit the publishing of the formal answer.

Should anyone have any questions that they would like the group to consider, please contact HPi at HQ.

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