There are 2 types of boat component in UK & Europe:
- Those that MUST be UKCA or CE marked under scope of RCR/RCD
- Those that MAY NOT be UKCA or CE marked under the scope of RCR/RCD
But nothing is straight-forward: it is possible for a component, which may not be UKCA/CE marked under RCR/RCD, to require UKCA/CE marking under the scope of a different Regulation/Directive e.g. Electro-Magnetic Compatibility. We’ll deal with these in the second category.

1. Components that MUST be UKCA marked
The RCR’s Annex II has a list of those components that must be UKCA marked under the scope of this Regulation. Rather unimaginatively, the industry refers to these as ‘Annex II Components‘:
- Ignition-protected equipment for use in petrol engine & tank spaces.
- Start-in-gear protection devices for outboard engines.
- Steering wheels, steering mechanisms and cable assemblies.
- Fuel tanks intended for fixed installations and fuel hoses.
- Prefabricated hatches and portlights.
So any product that is sold for such use is in the scope of RCR and must be UKCA marked.
Note that item 3 refers to steering mechanisms. This is understood to mean ‘system’ so that an electronic joystick for steering would be considered part of the mechanism, so in need of a UKCA mark. On the contrary, a fuel filter is part of a fuel system but only tanks and hoses are referenced above: not the system. So a fuel filter may not be UKCA marked under the scope of RCR.
In addition, the Regulations also include engines that are to be fitted on recreational craft. To earn their UKCA mark, all engines must meet exhaust emissions criteria and if the engine has an integral exhaust (eg an outboard or sterndrive) then it must also meet noise limits. If the engine does not have an integral exhaust and is fitted to a high speed boat, then the boat manufacturer must demonstrate that the boat & engine together meet the noise limits.
Conformity Assessment & Certification
Engines and Annex II Components require a UKCA mark and must be certified by a Approved Body such as HPiVS: this is called EU Type Approval. This usually requires testing which may either be done in an accredited laboratory or if done elsewhere, must be witnessed by a HPiVS inspector.
Contact us if you wish to obtain an EU Type Approval certificate.
2. Components that MAY NOT be UKCA marked
If a component is not listed in Annex II of RCR (see no. 1 to the left) then it may not be UKCA marked under RCR but it may have to conform to standards that are mandated under RCR.
For example, a fuel filter is not listed in annex II but the RCR’s designtated standard for fuel systems (BS EN ISO 10088) has requirements for fuel filters. So the fuel filter manufacturer should ensure that the product conforms to the standard and would be well advised to advertise this by adding ‘conforms to EN ISO 10088’ on the product label.
The RCR sets requirements and thus has standards, for nearly all systems on-board. The following systems, however, do not fall within the scope of RCR:
- Fresh water systems
- Hydraulic systems (other than steering)
- Any part of the rigging (other than chainplates)
Click here to see a list of RCR designated standards.
Voluntary Certificates of Conformity
Formal EU Type Examination certificates may only be issued for Annex II Components. Notified Bodies such as HPiVS may, however, issue a voluntary ‘certificate of conformity’ as third-party verification for a product conforming to any standard, on the condition it does not give any implication that it is a formal UKCA-certificate. HPiVS can issue such certificates. HPiVS is only willing, however, to issue certificates for products that are within the scope of a standard mandated under a Directive for which we are an accredited Approved Body. We do not approve of companies that certify products that do not fall within their accredited scope of expertise.
Contact us if you are interested in obtaining a voluntary certificate.
Components that require UKCA marking under directives other than RCR
It is too complicated to list here, all the boating components and the UK Regulations with which they may have to comply. To do this, one would have to read the scope and exclusions of each and every UK product safety regulation. But if you have a specific product in mind, it is not so difficult to look through the titles of the UK Regulations and short-list those that might apply.
Click here to see the list of all EU product directives (which is mirrored by UK product safetey regulations).
While it is difficult to be precise, there are 2 other Regulations of particular note for boating components:
The Safetey or Machinery Regulations apply to all products that have actuating parts (e.g. a pump) but excludes products for ‘sea going vessels’. So a pump may need UKCA marking under this directive if it is to be fitted on boats for inland waters.
The EMC Regulations deal with all electrical and electronic products that could suffer from EMC radiation or that could emit radiation about the prescribed limits.